Here you can check it yourself if it describe you well.

Here~ Let's see what our face shapes show:
A. Round Face
Like to help others, people like to make friends with you. You are courteous and don't like to refuse others' if other beg you to help them. You have sense of humor. However, you would over react to somethings all of a sudden.
B. Square Face
You have an outgoing personality and always energetic, you will never give up until succeed. That's why you have strong will powers, you always believe on your own thoughts, that's why you are as stubborn as a mule occasionally.
C. Narrow Face
You don't has a social nature. You are as gentle as a lamb. Despite of your strong creative mind, you lack stamina. You are a polite and considerate person. You have great imagination and can be successful if you can make use of it.
D. Standard Face
Easily indulge yourself in a thing, and show zeal for it. You like to theorize your dream/plan and
want to complete in full sail.
E. Oval Face
You have powerful sensibility and you have a social nature. You have leadership talents. People are easily persuaded just on your say-so.
F. Heart-Shaped Face
You have little vanity. You want others attention and being attractive to others. You like dramas or musicals. And you have good sense on elegance.
G. "Mixed" Face
You do not actively pursuit your desires, you like to follow orders and feel safe to complete jobs offered by others. You don't like to be disturbed, you don't like adventures as well.
Thanks for reading my article! See you later~